These technical articles are available courtesy of the experience and diligence of current and former members of Buckeye Triumphs.

Buckeye Triumphs is anxious to publish Triumph-related articles in this section.  Please contact the President to discuss possible articles, format, etc. 

This website is a publication of Buckeye Triumphs, and the content herein is not officially endorsed by the officers or members of Buckeye Triumphs, their families or lawyers.  If you decide to follow the advice of anything inside this website, you do so at your own risk.


Car Protection tips: classic car storage

Equipment for Powder Coating

HardTop Construction A to Z

How the TR6 Can Work For a Tall Person

Opening Bonnet After Release Cable Breaks

Repairing Stripped Threads Using Inserts

Repairing TR6 Taillight Sockets

Reupholstering TR6 Seats

Road Speed vs. Engine Speed Calculator

Soft Top Installation

Stainless Steel Fasteners for TR6 - Fastener List (Excel / PDF)